"The Marine who shot an injured Iraqi holy warrior in Fallujah, and was filmed by Kevin Sites (who promptly released the footage to the world), may not be charged for the killing, in a triumph of common sense. This Marine has been raked over the coals for doing the right thing to protect himself and his comrades in a combat situation. But Kevin Sites, who handed the enemy a tremendously useful piece of propaganda, is rewarded by Wired magazine."'
(via the daou report)
No doubt these are people who expressed shock and outrage when certain ex-military liars claimed that the rocket-wielding guerilla John Kerry chased down and shot was just a half naked teenager, minding his own business.What is the limit of 'winger hypocrisy?
I honestly doubt we will ever plumb its true depth.
Did the Marine make the right decision when he shot the wounded Iraqi? I am not going to judge him or second guess in this situation.
But how does it differ from what JK did on that river bank 30 years ago? Kerry was wearing a set of cotton fatigues, the Marine was wearing full battle armor. Kerry ran down a heavily armed fighter into increasingly hostile and unknown territory, the Marine was confronting a barely concious wounded man lying on a stretcher.
Both were in situations where the wrong decision might have been disasterous for themselves and their comrades. In the heat of combat, how can we civilians presume to judge?
But judge Kerry is exactly what the Right Wing Noise machine did. And in light of the LGF post and the sentiment that it echoes, I judge them and they come up wanting.